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The Long Tail at the End of Impossible Decisions

Still processing the divorce, over a year and a half later. Everything went fine, there is no outward reason why I would be experiencing this. Not only from my marriage but from my group - my "covid coven", and a community that despite our great differences, I felt strangely close to. So it seems to come in a package, all the feelings and memories tangled together. It was like I went in thinking I was divorcing a person and ended up divorcing several families and an entire community.  The other night my daughter talked a little bit about her loneliness. I said I understand, you lost your pack. She said we both did. It was the first time she had ever felt like she was part of a real family. It was the first time in a very long time I had people who I felt really got me, and who formed a support network. It was bound to end, I could see it coming a mile away. I should have written down predictions, because they all eventually came true. But I still see something and think of ca...

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